Silkroad Online Private Server

Rings-Sro 100 Cap CH Only Old School System Play2Win

-Welcome to Rings International server Unique Gameplay- About our Team is a 20 and 27 and 34 years old , from egypt,French,Germany. Welcome to the RingsSRO, where the magic of the gaming happens What do we have to offer CAP 100 I CHN chars only I Regural events for the silk I Play2Win I Extrodionary support Did we peek your interest yet We have not Dont worry... we shall. We got plenty to offer We are presenting you the NEXT huge thing in the all silkroad private servers. RingsSRO is free to play MMORPG thats actually much more than that. It started with a clean database and changed to astonishing and breath-taking game that it is today. We, the developers of RingsSRO have put our commitment, brains, hard work and everyday motivation to construct and build the server. It is intended to have outstanding performance and actually be able to withhold large quantities of players. The RingsSRO actually has a different look on playing. Its not about winning the game, its about putting the effort to get to the top of the mountain. And that effort is important to us. So while you climb your mountain, you will have to face many quests and dangers and perhaps some mysterious trials. So, if by any chance you have taken the liking to what we have to offer, let us introduce you to RingsSRO, and what is has to offer. Notice that We are planning on doing an update every week which will be composed of adding a lot of new content and features. Why we are thinking of constant weekly updates because simply, we believe that a server without updates is a server that you will get bored of fast. Another thing is that by this weekly updates method we will be able to hear your suggestions and change anything on a basis that will suit you more. Thread Navigation -Our thread is seperated on 6 sections Note Significance level 0.5 not important to check Significance level 1 important Significance level 2 very important Significance level 3 the most important Section 1 Basic Information Server Information Section 2 Server Rates Experience Rate Exp rate is not too high and not too low, it is enough to keep it entertaining and let everyone get used to making parties and getting to know more friends during the start. Skill points Experience Rate Honestly we made this easy for you. You will really not have to worry about gapping because we already grant every player 300k SP on the start so you will be Full Farmed easily when reaching 100. Gold drop Rate 6 x We made gold drop rate pretty low but not that bad, you will be able to buy npc set, pots, but mostly we concentrate more on getting gold from trades because trades are important and more fun than afk botting . Drop Rate 8 x Our drop rate promises to not let you down. Its not the rate that will give you everything you were expecting to have in just a day, but it wont dissapoint you aswell Trade Rate 35 x Weve completely changed the trade rewards. You will be very satisfied with it. Alchemy Rate 1 x The most appropriate alchemy rate. We dont want everyone running around with 12. However, Dont worry, these rates will not drive you mad. IP Limit No We have decided to set No ip limit At the moment . Alchemy rates Keep in mind that premium, lucky stones and lucky avatar will give you more possibilities to success. Rates are as follow 1 80 2 70 3 60 4 50 5 40 6 20 7 18 8 16 9 15 10 4 11 2 12 1 Section 3 Features Monster spawn ratio has been increased to 2x -We have increased the monster spawn ratio so it will be easier for you to farm without getting ks-ed. Also it will increase your KPM Kills Per Minute by a high amount. Item selling gold rate has been decreased by 30 -The amount of the gold you will receive after selling items on npc has been decreased. Why you made this Well, we have modified that because we are really against gold botting, and that would discourage every gold-botter. Auto Equipment -Auto equipemt is a feature that is on fashion lately. It makes sence since its a really useful feature. Additionally, on our auto equipment system you will receive normal items with 41,Full blue stats applied on each item, you may say why normal items and not sun or moon.Well its fun to kill monsters that are 5 levels higher than you but its not fun when youre not afraid of killing 10 levels higher monsters than you, we prefer to make it bit more hard Purfication pill bugg has been fixed -We have fixed this really bugg to offer you an even better gameplay Capture the flag will start every hour -Who doesnt like CTF We think everyone does, thats the reason we have enabled it. From ctf you will receive arena coins, will give further information later on. Elixir stone drop rate has been increased -We increaded elixir and stone drop rate by a fair amount to make it easier for you to work on your gear Login Window Smiple and Clear. Luncher Balancing 1 Minutes Cool-down for Reverses Global Require level is 60 Lightning Walk Speed on level 100 is 120 Star Items are 1 stronger than normal end gear Moon Items are 3 stronger than normal end gear Sun Items are 5 stronger than normal end gear Nice Stone Drop Rating New Stone Fuse Rating Useless Drop removed like Pills, materials Gold Botting is allowed, however Item sells rate is lowered and Gold Drop Rate is also lowered Normal Drop Rates in the Job Cave, to ensure that you have enough Gold. Awesome trade rate Practically 10 are possible The union Chat limit has been increased to 50 usersplayers. Various Stacks changed Vigor nerfed to 10 Start items 10.000.000 Gold 500k SP 3 inventory pages Devils Spirit 5 50x Instant Return Scroll 10x Reverse Return Scroll Pick up pet for 3days 1000x HPMP Recovery potion 10x Move Speed scroll full set starting at level 1 according to the type you selected. Items Stacks Section 4 Features we are proud of Max Skill Welcome to the first Private Server with Old-School Remakes Rings Premium modification We have added strint as it is on iSro and we completely removed the resurrection scroll. We did this mostly so premium wont affect the server economy and make donaters op over non-donaters, this is how we can make it Play2win not Pay2win. Mostly everyone can be almost equal but slightly different not really strong. Rings Additional Balances Cold snow shield - 1st Book 25 10 - 2nd Book 250 INT required - 3rd Book 300 INT required - 4th Book 350 INT required - 5th Book 480 INT required Ringss first 300 character to level 100 system To force you to be more active on the first days of the server we have implemented a system that will reward the first 300 players to reach level 100. By reaching 100 level when top 300 event is active you will receive First 100 players to reach 100 will receive 1 Rabbit, 1 Pet Clock 250 Silk. The next 100 more players to reach 100 will receive 1 Rabbit, 1 Pet Clock 200 Silk. The next 100 more players to reach 100 will receive 1 Rabbit, 1 Pet Clock 180 Silk. Ringss Devil Spirit modification We have edited the devil spirit so it wont be that overpowered and it wont ruin the pvp balance between donators and non-donators. Check the photo bellow Ringss Elements Stack We have add elements to all accessorys npcs for good price. Ringss Oldschool Capes This feature focuses on making you feel like playing isro back on the good oldschool times and also creates a great enviroment on the pvp area. Section 5 Special Features Ringss Suits of Fame We have edited a new item called Suit of fame. This item is like an angel spirit plus 3 skills. The first skill is offering you 123 movement speed. The second one is giving you 5 attack and parry rate increase . And at the end, the third one offers you 9 magical and physical damage increase. You cant have all 3 skills activated at the same time. Also every skill gives you a different look that every player would love to have Rings Samarkand monsters customization We have completely changed Samarkands monsters. Samarkand is now spawning 91 - 99 level monsters all around the map. We did this because we thought that some of you may wanted a safe place instead of job cave so you can farm stuff because we know you cant check your bot every hour or so since you have more important things to do. However, Job Cave Section 4 offers more effective farming with higher soX drop rates than Samarkand but there will be some pressure since there will be alot of ThiefHunter there. Ringss So-Ok customization In course of avoiding cheating at capture the flag, because we strongly dislike it,we have implemented a so-ok NPC portal which can be accessed by reaching the required level throughout numerous NPC portals in all the cities. This portal is used to join the events and also to give the right amount of deserved and self earned coins. Ringss Char Effect Scroll Complementary and Split Complementary scroll that is mesmerizing, extravagant, astonishing palettes colored effect can be found in the item mall. They have the same price range of silk, but has different glowing effects. Ringss Different types of SoX Seal of Star SoS Obtainable by Mobs 39 rate Strength Normal weapon 1 Seal of Moon SoM Obtainable by Jobbing Strength Normal weapon 3 Seal of Sun SoSun Obtainable by Moon 10 1 rate, if selected Strength Normal weapon 5 Ringss Scrolls We have created lots of different scrolls to improve your gameplay experience. Scrolls that can make life easier for you. There are more than 30 different scrolls with different features. We will upload a video to the facebook page soon showing all scroll features. Follow us on Facebook. Dont miss anything. Stay tuned How to obtain You can obtain this scrolls with job points, arena coins, silk and also win them in events Win2Win indeed Skills Reset Scroll By using this scroll your characters skills will be reset. Stats Reset Scroll By using this scroll your characters stats will be reset. Name Change Scroll Use this scroll if you want to rename your character. Advance Elixir Remover Use this scroll to remove the advanced elixir used previously on your item. Premium Remover Use this scroll if you would like to remove your characters premium. Avatar Attachment Magic Option Remover Use this scroll and your Attachments magic option will be immediately removed. Avatar Dress Magic Options Remover Use this scroll and your Dress magic options will be immediately removed. Avatar Hat Magic Options Remover Use this scroll and your Hats magic options will be immediately removed. Monster 250k SP After using this scroll you will receive 250k Skill Points. Monster 500k SP After using this scroll you will receive 500k Skill Points. Monster 1M SP After using this scroll you will receive 1M Skill Points. Monster 2M SP After using this scroll you will receive 2M Skill Points. Silk Scrolls There are 5 amount of silk scrolls. After activating this scroll you will receive a specific amount of silk based on the silk scroll amount. Job Penalty Remover Use this scroll if you wish your job penalty to get removed to make you able of joining another guild without having to wait for a penalty Guild Penalty Remover Use this scroll if you wish your guild penalty to get removed to make you able of joining another guild without having to wait for a penalty Full Blue Scrolls By using these scrolls one of your equipment you will receive full blues on their max state. Immortal, astral, lucky, steady are not included. How it works you must have the item you want to full blue it equipped. There will be different type of scrolls, everyone has a name written on it as shown in image. head scroll ,legs scroll ,foot scroll ,chest scroll .. etc Ringss Job Point System 1 The job system goes as If you are a hunter, you hunt thieves and gain job points. Also, you gain points by helping along in a successful trade with a trader. If you are a trader, you gain job points per thief kill also by making a successful trade. And finally, if you are a thief, you gain job points by stealing the trade successfully, also killing hunterstraders. Normal areas Job areas Ringss Job cave Donwhang cave We have changed donwhang cave to our servers job cave. You can farm your stuff such as elixir, stones , tabs sox items there. A lot of different adventures are waiting for you to meet them inside this cave, forgive us for not revealing them yet, also Unique will appear in Downhang Cave and it will drops a usable items like immo - astral - globals - upgraders - Silks - job points Requires Ringss Boxes For you to understand how to get silver and gold and gold plus boxes , from uniques you get Unique Coin drop , buy with them the boxes from npc Why use this -Theres also mobs that will help you buff to fight by its own monster and players. -Mobs are stronger than normal mobs - mobs drops silks. -silk per hour give you 1 silkh. AutoEvent There are 13 Event 1. Unique 2. Trivia 3. Hide seek 4. Search Destroyed 5. Kill GM 6. Alchemy 7. Last Man Standing 8. Pvp 9. Lottery silk 10. Lottery Gold 11.Complete the word 12. Arrange Word 13. Lucky Party Number Rings Protect Your Items We have created a system that you will be able to give your items a serial number. Why we did this because simply there is alot of people who love scamming and hacking. But to Avoid this We implemented With every item a different serial number composed of a large number of charactersnumbers which makes you able to locate your item whenever you want to. How this works Just send a message to SMI writing anything you want to. He will answer back with a pm writing your items serial number. Keep in mind that the bot will send the serial number of the item you have on the first slot of your inventory. But Remember to save this serial number and whenever you need to locate your item IF you got scammed or hacked etc simply contact one of our crew members. Dont forget to save this serial number because it is the only way to find your items location and also it is pretty big and hard to memorize. Requires Rings Pet with 1 page You may forgot that pets have 1 page because most of the servers are just enabling 4 pet pages and that make many problems in server. We proudly inform you that the pets on Rings will have 1 page of inventory so you will never feel full Rings Hot trade pets well one of Rings problems was the trade pets hp , also level required for it , thats why weve worked on this. Rings Brand new horses We give you the chance to try 2 new horses one for level 75 and one for level 90 players, hope you like them Rings Unique modification Since many of you guys are complaining about the uniques weve added a STR uniques for the STR players so that there will be different look on the server , and as well for the INT players . So if by any chance you have the liking you want . Rings Unique Hunting - Title System Weve developed a new unique hunting system. For every single unique kill you will receive an amount of points. For example for killing two uniques you will receive 2 point. The player with the most points will automatically receive a special title. If someone collects more points than the one owning the title, will get the title instead. Rings Extra Job Suits We have added some cool job suits to give you even more options on jobbing for example invisibility, speed, and more helpful techniques Each job union has 5 different job suits. You will be able to purchase a new job suit after reaching certain job levels, which are as following The new job suit achievements require 1 - 10 - 20 - 30 -40 job level. Rings Seal Of Moon Prices Review To plan your journey ahead and do something worth from the beginning. You should know what are the basic requirements in buying Seal of Moon 10 degree. Requirements are listed in the image or check the image for you to understand it so well. We will just give you a short preview of the Seal of Moon price. Moon Coins can also be bought at NPC. Note Seal of Moon 10 and Spell of Life Scroll Seal of Sun. Rings New weaponary skills -We have addes some incredible weapon skills. You will be able to use them by buying Som Weapons from Archimedes shop for coins. Rings Dyes Dyes are customized external glows that you purchase for silks that either change the color of your external glow or both the color and the effect of your external glow. By external glow I mean the SOX glow, it does NOT affect the glow you obtain from your plus Rings Renaissance Scrolls Weapon Renaissance scrolls Protector Renaissance scrolls Shield Renaissance scrolls Accessories Renaissance scrolls Renaissance Scroll has different category. Renaissance weapon, protector, shield and accessories. Renaissance use to upgrade the specific item that is Seal of Moon 10 to Seal of Sun Clean stats. How to use Renaissance scroll Put the Seal of Moon item 10 in your first slot inventory. Right click the scroll to changeupgrade your weapon into Seal of Sun. The Scroll will teleport you automatically once its activated. Job Level Joblevels aka Jobranking is solely based on the amount of kills that you have accumulated during jobbing. Keep in mind that there is a very good anti-cheat system in place for this. If you start cheating, you will not get any kill points and will be wasting your time. However, since this will encourage you to cheat, go ahead and get yourself Job-kill-banned You can still play ofc. Your joblevel gives you jobskills which in return helps you at jobbing. Additionally, it looks awesome and makes you stand out. Standing out Fame. Fame Fun. Simple as that isnt it To gain the most jobkills, go into the Jobcave and kill as many botters as you like. Try to have some good jobwar going on in the jobcave 24hours 7 days a week. Unique Reward System Alright guys , since this is already planned , we made a NPC that can exchange youre unique coins from killing all the uniques . With this unique coin you can able to exchange it from the NPC , you can choose whatever you want , like Stones , Special Awards , Prem and Devil . Good luck Model Switcher One of the features that youve wanted at Rings. So what these scrolls do is simple You take one of the Model Switcher Scrolls at Item Mall Then you place an item in the first inventory slot and use the scroll. Youll immediately be teleported to town and the skinmodellook of your item will have changed into whatever degree you have chosen by buying the respective scroll.... Daily Silk Reward. Daily silk reward just by logging on the game and despite the hours you will be logged in Replacing silk per hour system. Silk per hour system is just not fair, some players are not able to have their PC open all day long just for silkroad for many different reasons Bills etc. So weve thought of a system that will simply require you to log in once per day to receive your daily silk reward. This system works after you reach level 90. On the beggining you will receive 10 silk. If you log in everyday for a week your daily silk reward will get increased to 15, for 2 weeks to 20, for 3 weeks to 35 etc. Section 6 Extra Features Rings Skill Balance Force debuffs - Division, Decay, Weaken, Impotent 80 65 Lightning - Ghost Walk God 120 moving speed Cold snow shield - 1st Book 25 10 - 2nd Book 250 INT required - 3rd Book 300 INT required - 4th Book 350 INT required - 5th Book 480 INT required Bicheon - Twin Energy Smash 16 25 for bleed - Lightning Chain 20 28 for division, bleed, impotent Pacheon - Strong Bow Will 15 23 for crit - Anti Devil Bow Annihilate 40 46 for crit - 5 Arrow Combo 30 20 for knock back - 6 Arrow Combo 30 20 for knock back Heuksal - Soul Spear Emperor 15 10 for stun Avatars Added around 400 different avatars, you may wont believe us until you join Server Log Rings Update 1.0 - Fix guild emblem. - Increased golditem drop rates. - Increased expsp rates. - Change Stone Success Rate to 100. - Enable Forgotten World. - Increase Job Points from Trades. - Increase drop Arena Coin from Monsters Donwhang Cave. - Increase drop Seal of Star items . - Increase spawn normal Uniques. - Increase spawn Isis and Anubis. - Fix bug char Effect scroll. - Fix bug Title Name from uniques. - Fix bug Trans Pet. - Added drop arena coin from donwhang cave monsters. - Added special drops from donwhang cave uniques. - Added parament buffs. - Fixed 2000 HPMP Scroll. - Fixed uniques donwhang cave HPDamageDefence - Fixed damage monsters survival arena. - Increased max stuck trade goods. - Fixed Honor system . Updating every 12 hours - Changed time fortress war to Friday 2030 2200 - Increased drop rate area coin. - Increased earn gold from trade system. - Fixed title names from unique system. - Fixed bug honor system. Forgotten World Grade 1 drop 1 Talisman card or more Rate 75 Grade 2 drop 2 Talisman card or more Rate 60 Grade 3 drop 3 Talisman card or more Rate 50 Grade 4 drop 4 Talisman card or more Rate 40 Grade 1 drop 1 Seal of Moon Shield from Ghost Sereness Rate 25 Grade 2 drop 1 Seal of Moon Shield from Ghost Sereness Rate 25 Grade 3 drop 1 Seal of Moon Shield from Ghost Sereness Rate 25 Grade 4 drop 1 Seal of Moon Shield from Ghost Sereness Rate 25 Notice Dimension Hole at Accessory Npc. Forgotten World 1 Free Entrance Ticket Reduces the cool time to enter the Forgotten World instance dungeon to 1 second. Topics rules - This is an English topic, so all replies must be written in English. Any replies written in a language other than English are not welcome. - No flaming or badgering -- writing hostile or insulting messages aimed at other users for their views, comments, status, or any other reason. You can disagree with someones views and still be polite about it. - No trolling -- posting controversial sometimes off-topic messages with the intent of baiting other users to reply. - No discussions of software piracy, hacking, illegal material, or linking to these activities will be tolerated. - Do not post material that is hateful or mean towards race, religion, sex, or any other offensive nature. You can debate religion and politics in the WEPR forum, but you can do so WITHOUT being mean or hateful about it. - Do not post lewd or offensive content, or links to lewd or offensive content. Keep everything safe , and remember that also kids visit the topic. - No excessive swearing or language. If youre that angry about something, take a break for a while, or confront the other user directly instead of in the topic. - Please do not change the subject. If you want to change the subject, please start a new message thread. To finish, i would like to inform you that we expect that a lot of guys may hate us and try to destroy the hole project, by making fake names, dishonoring the server or editing stuff that will make you guys against us. We have faith in you and we really hope that you will ignore actions like that. Forgive me for having a newbie epvp account - Thanks for your attention -Thomas -BigBear -Moksha Please Thanks if youre about to join us Feel free to leave any commentsuggestion bellow. We really want to hear your voice. Make us Better We even accept bad comments another way we wouldnt believe in democracy. Your Sincerely, Ring team.

Member Since: 2017-07-18 16:04:38

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