Silkroad Online Private Server


INFORMATION SERVER Homepage http Download game http srobavuong.netHomeDownload Forum www.facebook.comgroups1877105735885043 Ref bookmarks Open Beta 31122017 Max Level 120 Skill 120 Map 120 Jupiter Skill Max 360 D16 Power D16 super nice appearance There are both Asi and EU Alphatest 20122017 Open 13h 31122017 Server Information VIP students in the shop gold And expect to sell some item gold Map 120 Race Asia Eu Item D16 beautiful appearance. Will update the full picture Skill 120 balance between asia eu Asia Mastery 390 Eu Mastery 240 skill system l. 120. Easy ghost, pvp help you Sro enthusiasts Eu show perfect talent. 7th CTC every week Specially X2 card loading system on weekends Special VIP treatment Nasrun Max 10 Avatar can upgrade will update more Server not Out1s. Server used to use all bot Mbot..unibot..vsro System update title later IP limit full IP About playing time full play And many more attractions ... Open support Fullset Sun D11 Full blue 15 and D14 selling 1v in the shop for you to train Pet picked up 3 days 100m Sp 50 rolls of DCN paper 50 talismans 1000 HP MP 20 scrolls move speed 100 Support team Online 1824 Can be contacted by chatting directly on the website or by phone call Direct support via teamviewer Happy gaming Even will give away the prize depending on each day.even share the weekend AE Max Level 120 Skill 120 Map 120 Jupiter Skill Max 360 Rate Alchemy See above Help the Open Player Lightning Sun D11 1000 HP M pots 1 Set Fashion 50 DCN full SP Wishing to create a stable playground for brothers. BQT always try to perfect Please send your comments to

Member Since: 2017-12-25 16:17:33

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Added by: srobavuong

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